Reverb: The First Guitar Effect
The Guitar Gear Guide
2m 47s
Reverb was actually the first effect in the guitar landscape, as it occurs naturally in the world. Eventually, guitar nerds decided to put this effect into a what would become a reverb tank that you’ll find in most Fender amps for example. This type of reverb is called Spring reverb, and unlike delay, your signal isn’t being replicated, but rather feels like it’s bouncing off a surface in a room.
Up Next in The Guitar Gear Guide
Analog & Digital Delay
Delay is a time-based effect that replicates your guitar signal and plays it back one or multiple times after a period of time. That period of time (often labeled as Time) and the number of times it’s played back (often labeled Repeats) depends on the delay pedal itself.
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How Filters Work
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