Does anybody have a transcribed tab for that vid? Watched it 20 times and struggle to see which note is being played when.
This is late, but hopefully still helpful. The first exercise he is using the G major / E minor scale with three notes per string. So using triplets to get through the scale. Look up the Gmaj scale if you need a visual. The second exercise is the same scale, but focusing on the e minor pentatonic scale instead of the full scale. That starts on the 12th fret. The third exercise looks like the a minor harmonic scale. If this scale is foreign to you, then I would tackle it last. To get the scale shape, you can take the A minor scale minus the flat 7. So instead of a G note before the A note, it'd be a G#. Everything else is the same.
Hopefully this helps! Let me know if you have follow up questions!