What would be the best way to approach three notes per string? Should I memorize each mode scale up and down, or should I memorize each modes first six notes and build the scale with the keys jumps.
memorize all of the shapes and learn how to connect them and move between them fluidly like its just one big shape of the major scale but you still know which parts are which.
I started by noting what the pattern is on the 6th string (E). Once you start practicing it you''ll probably recall the first string notes and what follows and how far that mode starts from the root note. Thats what I did and how I started learning guitar. Then I found there were more economical (4 fret wide) patterns (similar) to accomplish the same modes. Many have trouble stretching their fingers out as wide as 5 frets. Thats why I like the other non 3 NPS way. All of those modes in the non 3 NPS concept have at least 1 string that uses 2 notes. Learning both is probably to your advantage but as I say even though it wasnt easier to learn newer patterns my fingers like the idea of not having to stretch ungodly lengths.