So I just spent the last three months unable to play my guitar due to a work injury (almost cut my finger off) and so now that all the pins are out of my middle finger and the bone is healed I can try to get back on the horse with my guitar journey. I was wondering if anyone here had any tips or exercises I could use to help me build back up the dexterity I used to have because as of now I’m struggling especially with the finger still slightly swollen and not having feeling in most of the tip of my finger.
I had a piece of glass cut almost all the way through the tendon of my left hand, middle finger. I had seven stitches and immobilized the finger for 2 weeks. My advice is don't let yourself cheat by finding shortcuts (different fingers etc.) It's hard to unlearn. The only thing that helped me was time and practice and staying consistent. P.S. If you're inflamed, take it easy on that finger and don't push it. Inflammation kills joints.