Building a Chord Repertoire
Beginners Corner
2m 41s
Now we’re going to learn some more chords to continue building your repertoire of chord knowledge. With each of the new chords we’re about to learn, keep in mind the rules in of successfully playing a chord. Once you have your finger strength built up from the chords you learn in this lesson, I highly encourage you to download the Master Chord List for you to have as you continue your guitar playing journey.
Up Next in Beginners Corner
Simple Chord Technique
There are three rules to successfully playing a chord, and the first rule is to make sure you’re pressing your fingertips down on the strings hard enough so each note of the chord ring out evenly without being muffled. This is why finger strength is so important — if you don’t press down hard eno...
Single Note Melodies to Build Finger ...
Building up your finger strength is crucial to being able to do practically anything on the guitar. It’s important to understand if you’ve never played the guitar before, you’re going to be asking your fingers to do movements, stretches, and bends that they’re not used to doing, so don’t be disco...
Muting Technique
A popular technique to use on power chords and other guitar riffs is called muting, also known as palm muting. Muting is achieved by resting the meaty part of your palm (hence, palm muting) on the strings as you strum them, finding the perfect balance between full ringing of the notes and complet...