The 5/4 Time Signature
Understanding Time Signatures
7m 33s
In an odd meter like 5/4, we have the option of counting every single beat: “1 2 3 4 5,” or counting the subdivision of each measure with an emphasis displacement “1 2 1 2 3” or “1 2 3 1 2.” I recommend subdividing the measures into smaller groups of two or three beats, but whichever method you choose, make sure to keep a steady beat and hold each note for the proper length.
Up Next in Understanding Time Signatures
The 6/8 Time Signature
Although 4/4 is by far the most common time signature, another popular choice for music through the ages and including the modern day is 6/8. There are two ways to count a bar in 6/8 time. This can seem unnecessarily confusing when you first encounter 6/8, but as we’ll see the difference is not a...
The 7/4 Time Signature
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